Tag: Al Jazeera

  • Recent writing

    In 2019, I broke my foot and wrote a book – which is one way of saying that the year has passed in a bit of a blur. Here are…

  • Reframing gender violence

    I was absolutely delighted to be selected as a media fellow for a programme run by Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Social Difference. The programme, titled  Religion and…

  • Tumultuous Britain

    Ever since the Brexit referendum result last year, Britain has been in a prolonged period of political crisis and upheaval – which, with the shock election result, shows no signs…

  • “Deradicalisation” in Britain?

    Much has been made of British citizens fighting in Syria and the problems they might pose on their return. (In November last year I wrote the first interview with a British…

  • Kenya’s Westgate survivors

    The attack on Kenya’s Westgate mall by Al-Shabab militants in September 2013 left 67 people dead. While I was in Kenya earlier this year, I interviewed two survivors of the…

  • Somalia’s women politicians

    One of the things I did while I was in Kenya was to interview female politicians from Somalia. These women are at the vanguard of women’s representation in the country – fighting…

  • Jailed journalists

    Late last year, three journalists working for Al Jazeera in Cairo were arrested and charged with terrorism and smearing Egypt’s reputation. The three men – Peter Greste, Mohamed Fahmy, and…

  • The Muslim Brotherhood in London

    Last week, Downing Street announced that it would hold an investigation into the operations of the Muslim Brotherhood in London. The inquiry aims to establish whether the Brotherhood is a threat…