Tag: feminism

  • More from the Middle East

    The last few pieces drawn from the reporting I didĀ  in the Middle East late last year are now out. For the Spring issue of the World Policy Journal, I…

  • Reframing gender violence

    I was absolutely delighted to be selected as a media fellow for a programme run by Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Social Difference. The programme, titledĀ  Religion and…

  • Activism and hope in the Syrian crisis

    During my recent trip to Lebanon, I spent time with various refugee-focused organisations, and had the privilege of meeting some inspiring Syrian grassroots activists. Here are the stories I wrote.…

  • Recent work

    I’ve got a column in the latest issue of the New Humanist (out now) following up on the long piece I wrote about attacks on secularists in Bangladesh. The column…

  • Saudi suffragettes

    In Saudi Arabia, women will soon be able to vote for the first time in the country’s history. They can take part in the forthcoming municipal elections both as voters…

  • Sexual violence in India

    Back in October, I travelled to Delhi. While I was there, I spoke to various women about how safe they feel in the city, and to activists about the long…

  • Arab women’s double revolution

    Mona Eltahawy, the Egyptian-American writer and activist, emerged as one of the most prominent voices of the Arab Spring. In 2011 she was attacked by riot police in Cairo. They…

  • Recent work

    I thought I’d share some links to some of my recent work. I’m still blogging regularly for the New Humanist. My recent posts include this one on breastfeeding and whether…

  • Islam and feminism

    Is it possible to be a Muslim and a feminist? That was the central question posed for a panel discussion I took part in at the Royal Court on 31…